
The goal of Forum for Life is to protect every human life from conception to natural death. The goal is pursued in three areas: 

Prevention – we provide information about human dignity from conception to death, prenatal development of the child – the right to life from conception, dangers for human life, the reality of abortion, on the natural family planning methods, relationships based on true love, responsibility and respect for human dignity. 

Advocacy – we raise our voice for the protection of those who can not defend themselves. We strive to promote and support legislation that respects the dignity of every human being from conception to natural death, and marriage and family as the basic cell of society. 

Specific Assistance – help in dealing with difficult life situations of women and their children, needy, sick and weak. This work is developed by workers, employees, volunteers and their membership in regions of Slovakia. 

© 2021 Fórum života, občianske združenie, Všetky práva vyhradené.