Intenzívne pracujeme na vytvorení nového webu, ktorý ešte lepšie poslúži našim spoločným cieľom a potrebám.

Nová webová stránka bude absolútne transparentná a otvorená dialógu.  Budeme vás počúvať, zastupovať vaše názory, hodnoty, presvedčenia, postoje.

Nový web je náš spoločný projekt a chceme, aby ste boli jeho súčasťou.

A začíname už teraz!

Aj vy ste Fórum života.

Ako na Vás pôsobí dizajn novej stránky?

Chceme Vám aj naďalej prinášať dôležité informácie, priestor na rozjímanie a motiváciu k rozhovorom a rozhodnutiam. 

Nový web, na ktorom práve pracujeme, tu bude pre Vás s prehľadnejším dizajnom, s citom a informáciami nabitými článkami, aby ste sa necítili sami v ťažkých témach.

Organization of Forum zivota

Organizational activities of Forum for Life are provided by the Secretariat together with its legislative departments, PR for pro-life, education, specific assistance, and regional centers. 

The secretariat in addition to the procedural operation of the organization provides services for activities of Forum for Life and for members of Forum for Life; it also organizes spiritual activities to promote the culture of life and spiritual activities for members and management of Forum for Life. 

Department of Legislation continually monitors legislative proposals and drafts proposals to improve legislation, communicates with members of Parliament, MEPs, and staff of ministries, prepares training materials, training materials for media, the regional centers, and the public. 

Department of PR Pro-life (Public Relations) systematically communicates with the selected target groups, by a manner and means it brings the value of pro-life and pro-family in order to create positive public relations, relations with media, with members of Forum for Life, volunteers, staff and partners including dissemination of complete and accurate information through publishing periodicals Newsletter of Forum for Life, running websites, messaging via Email of Forum for Life, preparation of lectures and discussions in cooperation with the regional centers, preparation of thematic leaflets and brochures and other materials and implementing information and education campaigns. 

Department of Education and Training through regional centers prepares lectures for the public (schools, communities, parishes), prepares training seminars, in collaboration with regional centers it organizes seminars for co-workers of Forum for Life, prepares manuals and materials for organizing courses and seminars in collaboration with Áno pre život n. o. (Yes for Life) prepares conference – Vyber si život (Choose Life),

Department of Specific Help organizes and implements activities of specific assistance (Zachráňme životy – Save Lives, Counselling center Alexis) and through regional centers, it connects members of Forum for Life and co-workers of specific assistance. 

Department of Regional Centres manages and coordinates the activities of regional centers. Regional centers, the lower branch of the Secretariat of Forum for Life implement legislative activities, public relations pro-life, education and training, specific assistance, internal communication, a search of sources of funding and spiritual support within its jurisdiction, powers and responsibilities. 

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